Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm horrendous and keeping an up to date blog! Anyway..

Here are some digital painting studies, and some traditional life studies in the post below this.

School Studies.

A dump of a few drawings from school over the past year or so.

Friday, October 8, 2010

AME Bale entry!

On Thursday I submitted my entry for the A.M.E. Bale travelling scholarship prize. It's been my primary project for the past few months, and it's nice to finally have it all done.

It's been interesting, had to try to learn to paint in oils a bit better real quick. I'm not sure if I got far, but I definitely learned a lot!

Here is the portfolio I submitted. I know the still life is in the post below, but this is a different(better) photo!

Yes, that's a daggy self portrait.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My first still life

This is my first real still life that I spent an extended period of time on. Fairly happy with the outcome. Learned lots, but still much to go. I finished this about a month ago.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some studies

So I've been spending a lot of time recently working on oil studies and trying to get some life drawing in when I can. I've also spent the last couple weeks working on a more finished still life. I will post that up when I get a decent photo.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oil paints

I'm the worst at keeping an up to date blog.

I'm currently spending a lot of time studying painting in oils. I feel I have practically just begun with colour and I'm pushing myself to create the best work I possibly can in the next couple of months for the A.M.E. Bale travelling scholarship prize. Lots to learn and execute in a short time. I'm doing a couple very small colour studies each day until I feel slightly more comfortable and then will dig into my final paintings.

There are a few paintings that I did in the first half of this year for a group show, and I've been meaning to put them up here for a few weeks now. About time I did so! These are my foray into making my own illustrations in the medium of oils. I'm looking forward to doing many more.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Some in pencil.

This first drawing is one I am exhibiting shortly in a group show opening this coming wednesday. The rest are studies from life and reference.


A Start.

Welcome to the beginnings to a new online space for my art. I will be putting up here whatever it is that I feel like showing. I hope you enjoy!

I'll start off with some digital portraits done mainly from imagination. Except for the self portrait in the middle.